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Here are some of the great features of Story Web Structure - Crafting the Focused Story
Story Web Structure, You want to write that story but it is out of your grasp, or it is all over the map and has become unwieldy...out of your control. What can you do to bring it under control? Using proven techniques that are simple and easy to follow, the author of 50 focused novels and many short stories discusses the number one most useful method to keep control on your story.
This one major secret to writing successful genre fiction is the Story Web. The WEB of the Story calls for a number of specific steps anyone can take to become focused on 'Whose Story is it Anyway?' The advice is solid and tried and true. It is one way to organize and accomplish the short story gem or the multiple viewpoint novel (without an outline if you prefer).
This is advice from the author of the highly acclaimed Instinct and Edge Series, Children of Salem, Titanic 2012, Bismarck 2013 and many more successful titles. The Story Web can and will change your chances of ordering up and completing your story, play, novel, or book.
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